How You Know It’s Time to Invest in a Second Suit

Every guy remembers his first suit. Whether it was prom, a job interview or a wedding, you remember when you slipped on the jacket and suited up. There comes a time though, when you must move on from the nostalgia of your first suit and purchase Suit Number Two. For some, choosing a second suit can be a little confusing if they don’t know what they’re looking for. Here’s how you’ll know when it’s the right time to add to your suit collection, and what to pick.

Look great in your first suit with custom Indochino.
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Replace it sooner rather than later

It would be in your best interest, and probably any who might see you, to invest in your second suit before it’s too late. Don’t wait until there are holes in the knees or stains on the sleeves to decide you should get another. There’s nothing worse than getting ready for an event thinking you have the proper attire, reaching into your closet and seeing a faded, worn out and possibly ill-fitting suit. When was the last time you wore your suit? How did it fit? How did you feel in it? If you can’t answer any of these questions, take stock of your wardrobe—it may be time to go shopping.

It’s all in the details

Chances are you’ve put a bit of mileage on your first suit and worn it quite a bit. You’re probably very familiar with its fit and how you feel in it. If your first suit was purchased a while back, take a look at the cut and fit. Consider the things you’d change—take the pants in? Hem the sleeves? Add a button? These differences in look and style can inform your selection for Suit Numero Dos. If you feel you aren’t well-versed enough in these types of details, you can keep it simple by getting something similar in a different colour. If your first suit was a black, then the second time around try classic navy or timeless grey.

And look even better in your second suit.
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Up your game with a tailor

Last but not least, there are a few extra things you can do once you purchase your second suit to make sure it truly is an upgrade from your last. One thing to do is to buy an extra pair of trousers. This will double the life of your suit and make sure you don’t have to go through the suit-buying process for a while—that is, unless you want to. The other is to find a tailor. After you decide on your suit and its style, have your tailor make the necessary adjustments to show that you really are stepping up your suit game.


A man can never have too many suits.
Upgrade your closet with a second suit today.

